MBDA Tapped to Provide Sea Ceptor Missile to Brazilian Navy

MBDA will provide its Sea Ceptor air defense missile to Brazil’s navy under a new contract. MBDA

MBDA has been awarded a contract to equip the Brazilian navy’s new Tamandaré-class frigates with the Sea Ceptor air defense missile system, the company announced June 17.

Sea Ceptor is a smart weapon control system that, together with the fully-active Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM), provides comprehensive self-defense and local area air defense.

This will enable Brazil’s Tamandaré-class frigates to protect themselves, consorts and fixed infrastructure against the full range of threat types at sea or in harbor, and in the most stressing operational scenarios. Sea Ceptor is in operational service with the Royal Navy’s Type 23 frigates, and has been selected for the new Type 26 and Type 31 frigates.

Brazil joins Chile, New Zealand and Canada in a growing list of international Sea Ceptor users. The CAMM missile has also been delivered to the British Army in the ground-based air defense role.
